Monday, February 2, 2009


All of my ideas on this one revolve around macaroni :)

1. NEW from KRAFT : SERIONI! Delicious macaroni loaded with serotonin! You'll never know what emotion will pop up next! After a bowl of scrumptious Serioni(tm) you could be able to treat a wide variety of psychiatric disorders, or you just migh make yourself throw up!

2. New from NABISCO : SERIONI! the breakfast cereal made from fresh pasta! Delicious sugar-coated macaroni elbows covered in hot melted cheese in a bowl of milk!

3. SERIONI : the macaroni chosen by more than 60% of serial killers. Make sure you have the energy you need for that next stalk-and-kill by powering up with a nutricious bowl of SERIONI!

ok - those are all lame - but it's late - and.... alright no excuses... I'll try harder...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Welcome to the Blog-tionary!

Well - it's happened. I have entered the realm of 'blog'. I truly hope the idea flies and stays fresh - but I think it will be awfully hard to top 'vulagra', but I will try...

Tune back in and post your own replies with blog-tionary descriptions of the odd words you are presented with for verification!